Gonzalo Arcas Gonzalo Arcas


Advertising has always been a sector that has always caught my attention. Being able to attract the attention of the audience through your creativity is something that makes me feel gratifying and proud of my profession.

With my advertising videos I always try to find that balance between my personal touch, a video that I like and that my style is recognizable but that also fits the needs of the client so that it is a valid product and has the expected performance.

During my years working in the education sector I learned not only to make advertising videos about Spanish teaching, but also that international approach so that the product can be relevant to potential students abroad. During the creation of the content for the promotion of the Masters, I always looked for a natural and close line.

In Jamendo the target was very defined, I was looking for all those people or agencies that might need royalty free music, and it allowed me to create a more direct and explicit content. Finally, in ACL, I always looked for the clearest way to show the great diversity of services they have, focusing above all on quality and security for our members.

Therefore, throughout my career I have made several and very different advertising videos, here I share some of the examples that I have been doing during my stay both in companies and as a freelancer.